Enclosure Thermal Management
Managing the temperature within electrical enclosures is a vital part of ensuring their reliable operation and long-term safety. This is especially true for enclosures that contain delicate electronic components. The goal of a thermal management program is to keep the temperature steady and within a defined safe range. Failure to do so could lead to the kind of overheating that could compromise the safety and reliability of the enclosure’s contents. There are many ways to cool something, but the methods tend to fit into just a few broad categories.
Industrial air conditioners are often employed for the thermal regulation of enclosures, especially in high-temperature outdoor conditions or where the electrical devices generate a substantial heat load. These air conditioning systems cool the air within the enclosure by transferring the hot air to the outside. In robust designs intended for industrial environments, the air conditioners can operate effectively in a large ambient temperature range and in many weather conditions.
More Information about Enclosure Thermal Management
Using heat exchangers is another effective solution. They work by transferring heat from inside the enclosure to the ambient air outside. The heat exchanger uses the temperature difference to cool the electrical components of the enclosure. This method works well in applications where the air outside the enclosure is cooler than the desired temperature of the inside.
There are other options for cooling besides those already discussed. One of them is the vortex cooler—it uses compressed air to provide what is essentially spot cooling. This makes it well-suited for some specific application or requirement where cooling is needed in a certain place or to a certain degree. Another option is the thermoelectric cooler. While not as common as some of the other options we've mentioned here, it is very reliable with a low operating cost, largely because it doesn't really have any moving parts and needs almost no maintenance.
Whereas the ambient temperature may dip at times, the enclosure's internal temperature must remain stable. When maintaining such a stable environment is necessary, using heaters is advisable. Heaters can keep enclosures at a desired temperature so that moisture doesn't condense in any uncontrolled corners of the enclosure.
Managing the temperature and humidity inside an enclosure is essential to ensure that the equipment contained within operates reliably and has a long service life. Venting devices and filter fans are among the thermal management solutions that use natural convection to draw cool air into an enclosure, circulating stale, warmer air out. They do an excellent job of maintaining the enclosed environment within the necessary parameters.
Industrial Enclosure Accessories and Modifications
Common modifications or accessories that are used to enhance electrical cabinets.
Lighting kits. Lighting kits are often used in outdoor applications. There are many different styles of lighting kits that can be used, but LEDs have become the preferred lighting solution in the past several years.
Pressure switches. Pressure switches operate on a spring and react to the cabinet door opening and closing. They can be used for lights, intrusions alarms and exhaust fans.
Passive air vents. Passive air vents allow natural air circulation to flow through a cabinet providing proper ventilation.
Enclosure fans. Enclosure air fans are used when more ventilation is required. The size of the fan will depend on the size of the enclosure as well as the amount of air that needs to be circulated.
Air conditioners. Air conditioners are used when ambient air circulation is inadequate to cool the cabinet. The air conditioner size will depend on the enclosure size, ambient air temperature and heat generated within the cabinet.
Heaters. Heaters are used when a cabinet is located in areas that may be exposed to cold temperatures.
Locking mechanisms. Locking mechanisms are used to secure cabinets.
Conduit hole seals. Conduit hole seals are used on cabinets that have holes that need to be plugged after conduit has been removed.