Legend Plates for Switches, Push Buttons & Signaling Devices

In commercial and industrial applications, clear and long-lasting labeling for push buttons, switches, and control panels is absolutely critical. That's where legend plates come in. These custom-engraved components display the specific text and symbols that ensure users can tell at a glance what a given control is for. You can get legend plates made from a number of different materials, but a favorite is stainless steel. Legend plates in stainless steel are designed to be the very model of durability, they are scratch and wear resistant, which ensures they look sharp and legible no matter the conditions.
A custom legend plate can be made to accommodate all varieties of electrical systems, control consoles, and equipment, making them a necessity in the manufacturing, marine drilling, and meat processing industries. The process used to create these engraved legend plates produces high-contrast, very legible labels, which are practically ideal for button, indicator lamp, or motor control center labeling applications. Several 30mm legend plates or 22mm legend plates can be made to fit your devices perfectly, ensuring compatibility for a wide range of applications.

More Information about Legend Plates
Today's technology and superior materials make it simpler than ever to personalize legend plates and engraved electrical panel labels. Their customization has reached new levels with the state-of-the-art laser engraving, although that particular craftsmanship applies to only a small number of premium materials. However, really, most plates are not in any immediate danger of becoming unfashionable. After all, with their simple, clear presentation of vital information, custom legend plates are anything but "aesthetic." They perform. Their only function is to work, helping engineers and manufacturers to label electrical junction boxes and other crucial control elements in a system.
Can panel labels and legend plates be made for indoor or outdoor use?
Yes, panel labels and legend plates can be designed for both indoor and outdoor use, utilizing materials, like plastic electrical panel labels, that are durable, weather-resistant, and suited to specific environmental conditions.
Is it possible to order engraved labels online through an easy online ordering system which would also include peel and stick adhesive backing?
Yes, engraved labels with peel-and-stick adhesive backing can be ordered online through an easy online ordering system.
Maintaining NEMA 4 Rating When Making Enclosure Penetrations
Cutouts are very common when modifying enclosures for push buttons, indication lights, conduit entries or mounting hardware. Cutting into an enclosure runs the risk of eliminating the protective nature of the NEMA rated attributes. Proper steps must be followed in order to preserve the NEMA rating of an enclosure.
Devices mounted to the enclosure must have the same NEMA rating as the enclosure.
This means that if the devices are installed to the manufacturer's specifications, they will be able to maintain the NEMA rating of the enclosure.
Water tight conduit hubs must be used when running wire through a cutout in an enclosure.
There are many different types of conduit hubs that are used to secure conduit to an enclosure. However, only certain conduit hubs are rated for a watertight seal. By using water tight hubs, the NEMA rating of the enclosure is maintained.
Bonded washers are necessary when mounting hardware to an enclosure.
If standard mounting hardware is used, the NEMA rating of the enclosure will no longer be maintained. Bonded washers have rubber gaskets that make a watertight seal around the drilled hole. It is also important to make sure the material used for the bonded washer matches the material of the enclosure. Stainless steel enclosures require stainless steel bonded washers.