Eaton Miniature Circuit Breakers
Eaton's miniature circuit breakers are compact, efficient devices that are designed to deliver reliable short-circuit protection and branch circuit protection in the wide variety of circuit conditions encountered in residential, commercial, and industrial applications. With a keen focus on tested reliability and optimum product quality, these compact tools serve a crucial function in safeguarding load circuits from two kinds of overcurrent: (1) from a "short" somewhere in the load circuit itself, with most of the load current flowing through the short and very little (if any) through the rest of the load; and (2) from an "overload," when the load is drawing more current than it should.
Eaton's miniature circuit breakers offer advanced protection and are capable of interrupting a fault in a very short time. Unlike other breaker mechanisms that might trip too late to prevent an electrical fire or dangerous fault currents, the design of these breakers allows for quick and safe interruption. They are meant to be used in load centers or just about any other compact space where circuit protection is needed. Dual-rated UL 489 breakers can be used at either 240-volt or 480-volt settings, making them very flexible.
More Information about Eaton Miniature Circuit Breakers
Eaton's miniature circuit breakers are designed to perform consistently and to meet tough safety standards. These breakers are well suited to protect both single-phase and three-phase circuits, and are built to ensure reliability and safety in a range of applications. Eaton offers a broad line of MCBs in a very compact design, which is a real advantage when you consider the amount of space available in most circuit breaker enclosures.
Are single-pole Eaton miniature circuit breakers capable of fast short circuit interruption?
Yes, single-pole Eaton miniature circuit breakers are designed to provide fast short circuit interruption, ensuring reliable protection for load circuits.
What is considered a supplementary protector with inrush current protection?
A supplementary protector with inrush current protection is a device designed to safeguard equipment by handling brief surges of current, such as those caused by motor startups or transformer energizing, while providing overcurrent protection for individual circuits.
Trip Curve Basics Part 1
There are two critical elements in miniature circuit beakers.
Bimetal strip
This strip has two dissimilar metals attached to one another. When a prolonged overcurrent occurs, these metals begin to bend. Because the metals are different, the rate at which they bend is different, therefore causing the strip to bend. If this bending occurs long enough, the bending strip will disrupt the electrical contacts inside the breaker, causing it to trip.
Coil or solenoid
The coil or solenoid is designed for larger overcurrent events like a short circuit or lightning strike. When a large overcurrent event occurs, the plunger in the solenoid is actuated, thereby tripping the breaker.
What is a trip curve?
It is both the prolonged overcurrent protection from the bimetal strip and the higher spikes in voltage and current protection from the solenoid that make up the circuit breakers trip curve. How fast or slow these events occur determines the shape of the curve. A trip curve is simply a graphical representation of the expected behavior of a circuit protection device, in this case, a circuit breaker.
This graphical representation looks at two separate pieces of data to provide the information needed to understand when a particular breaker will trip. The first is time, more specifically, the time the circuit breaker experiences a certain amount of overcurrent. The second is the amount of current. In this case, how much more current is passing through the breaker than the protection device is actually rated for.