Phoenix Contact TRIO Power Supplies

The Phoenix Contact TRIO power supply is reliable and efficient. It provides power to a variety of industrial applications. It is sturdy in design and construct, making it a long-lasting and wear-resistant device, even in demanding environments. Its main feature, besides its reliability and efficiency, is its high power density: both the 24 V power supply with unregulated DC voltage and the flexible power supply with regulated DC voltage are available in their power levels for quite a narrow width of 60 mm. This means, you can use the same power supply for integration in a variety of compact devices and panels.
The Phoenix Contact TRIO power supplies have a key feature: they can work with a wide range of input voltages. This makes them a good, flexible choice in a world where power standards vary considerably. TRIO power supplies can handle any standard you can throw at them, withstanding input voltage variations while maintaining their output voltage within a tight tolerance. They are designed to keep the voltage from dropping in response to short-term inrushes of power, and they exhibit a long-term stability that makes them much better than wall warts for powering your next project.

More Information about Phoenix Contact TRIO Power Supplies
The TRIO power supplies are built to last, and they have all-inclusive protection features integrated into their design. These protective functions encompass a host of potential problems, from electrical errors to power surges to short circuits, all of which can be quite detrimental to a system. The units themselves boast three LEDs to display the status of three very important voltages: the day-to-day operating input voltage, any possible tripped overvoltage, and also a load indication. The last of these can be very useful in system design because it tells you whether or not the system power supply is straining to deliver the needed load.
How to Select and Size a Power Supply
A power supply alters power from one type to another and ensures that the voltage being delivered is the proper level, with the right characteristics, to enable equipment to function properly.
Power Rating
If a power supply is rated for 5 amps at 24 VDC, (where voltage times amperage equals total wattage) the power rating for that power supply is roughly 120 Watts. This rating is very important because if this number is exceeded, it can cause a failure of the power supply and potentially damage other hardware wired downstream or on the load side of the device. To avoid this failure is important that the power supply is sized correctly.
Sizing a Power Supply
To properly size a power supply, identify what devices will be reliant on the power supply and what their total power consumption will be. The sum of all power to be delivered needs to be less than the total power rating of the power supply. For example, if the devices combined for a total of 100 Watts, then a 5 AMP power supply, which is rated for up to 120 Watts, would be sufficient. However, if the sum of those devices' total power requirement is greater than that of the power supply rating, then a different power supply should be selected. It is important to allow for a buffer or safety factor. When sizing a power supply, never select a power supply that is rated for the same amount of power as the total power requirement of all of the devices. Oversizing the power supply will allow for changes and additions that may occur in the future.