Enclosure Hygrostats & Dehumidifiers

Enclosure hygrostats and dehumidifiers play a vital role in maintaining the optimal conditions within enclosures, especially those housing electronic and electrical components. These devices are crucial for managing the relative humidity inside the enclosure, which is key to protecting electrical components from condensation. Condensation build-up can be detrimental to the functioning and longevity of these components.
Hygrostats in enclosures are designed to monitor and control the level of humidity. They are set to maintain a preset relative humidity level, ensuring that the conditions within the enclosure remain within safe limits. This is particularly important in varying ambient temperature conditions, which can significantly affect the air within an enclosure.
Dehumidifiers work alongside hygrostats to actively remove moisture from the air inside electrical enclosures. They are a highly effective way to protect electronic and electrical components from the harmful effects of excess humidity. These dehumidifiers often come in a compact design, making them suitable for installation in various types of enclosures, including control cabinets. Some dehumidifiers use thermoelectric technology, which can offer significant energy savings.

More Information about Enclosure Hygrostats and Dehumidifiers
The process of dehumidification typically involves drawing in moist air, removing the moisture, and then returning the drier air back into the enclosure. This cycle helps in maintaining the dew point within the enclosure at a level that prevents condensation. The collected moisture is usually expelled through a vent drain, sometimes aided by a plastic hose for directing the water away from sensitive components.
The construction of the enclosure itself, such as the use of materials like mild steel, also plays a role in how effective these hygrostats and dehumidifiers can be. The design and material of the enclosure can influence how well it retains heat and manages the internal temperature and humidity levels.
How does a connected device, like a dehumidifier, provide significant energy saving for a control cabinet?
A connected dehumidifier in a control cabinet can provide significant energy savings by intelligently regulating its operation based on real-time humidity levels, only activating when necessary to maintain optimal conditions. This targeted operation reduces unnecessary power consumption compared to non-connected devices that may run continuously, regardless of the actual humidity inside the cabinet.
Purge System Basics
3 common reasons to use purge systems
They allow electrical enclosures to be installed in hazardous areas without the need for explosion proof enclosures.
They recycle the air inside of an enclosure, reducing the internal temperature.
They help reduce the effects of corrosion on components housed within the enclosure.
How does a purge system work?
Purge systems use incoming air from a supply line, solenoid valves, pressure gauges and pumps, to constantly maintain a positive pressure inside an enclosure. This prevents any flammable gases from entering the enclosure potentially causing an ignition event to occur. By maintaining a positive pressure within the enclosure, moisture and corrosive gases are also prevented from entering the enclosure and damaging components. Most purge systems will ensure that the air inside the enclosure is recycled a certain amount of times within a given time period. This air recycle function assists in maintaining a cooler temperature within the enclosure.